Sunday Update!

Life everyday is a challenge- for many of us. But the friends and supporters of Myles Ahead have helped make a difficult situation better this week and we are grateful and humbled. Momma Dog and her puppies are recovering and we expect them all to live long, healthy lives. Thank you seems like not enough if you knew the stress we feel caring for these situations. The hardest thing to learn in rescue is that we cannot save them all, so for each one we can save we celebrate. Thank you!

Another Emergency, Help Needed

We have waited a few days to post on this one, frankly because we were not sure we could save them all. Tuesday we received a call about this beautiful Momma who was abandoned in a kennel on an uninhabited property. She had no food or water and 6 puppies with her. She had no shade, no way to fend for herself and her babies and was left trapped. We can estimate from the property owner that she was left like this for up to a week. Momma nursed her puppies with no food or water. Today we are cautiously optimistic in everyone’s health, but we need help. Funds are dangerously low due to taking in 30 plus litters of puppies, 150 plus cats and kittens, and various others. We also need to replenish supplies, so we are once again asking for help to help this precious family and so many others.

Updated Amazon Wish List

In every situation, we should be open to learning and trying to improve. During the recent tornado situation in Goshen, we learned that a needed supply we need on hand is water for animals. We take for granted that we will always be able to turn on a facet and give our animals water, but in times of crisis, that isn’t always possible. Animals also need water to survive and our desire is to lend a helping hand for the animals in every situation that we can. In restocking supplies, we would like to add a pallet of bottles of water for animals. Nothing fancy, but something we can give during times of emergency.

So- we have updated our wish list on Amazon, but we are so willing to take anything animal specific and water. You can send it to us, drop
Off in Maineville, or contact us and we will try to solve the situation. As always, we are forever grateful to our friends and supporters. Thank you for helping us, help them.

How much wood…

We have a strange request. We are in need of 2×6 boards for our shelving in the barn. Part of being prepared to help in lots of situations is storing lots of stuff! The 2×6’s are to use in our shelving. They do not need to be new, we are not picky. Maybe someone has some lumber sitting around that they would be willing to give to help get our supplies organized for when they are needed.

Help Needed:

This beautiful kitty was lost last Wednesday in Goshen during the tornados and the family is desperate to find him. He had recently had his leg amputated and needs medication. If anyone has seen this kitty, please reach out to Myles Ahead.

We are calling on our our viewers, friends, and supporters to share, tell people you know and help us help those who have lost so much. In our heart we have to believe that someone saw this kitty and realized he was loved and took him in to keep him safe and try and find his family. Let’s reunite them!